Dear parents,
You are invited to attend the IBDP camp scheduled for the D1 and D2 parents on 28 October, 2017. The purpose of the camp is to provide parents with an insight into the technicalities of the Diploma programme and understand the core requirements of the Diploma which are the Extended essay, TOK and CAS. We have also included a session on Placement counseling to help you guide your child smoothly through the University selection process . The Diploma programme is a rigorous one and we do understand that Diploma students go through a lot of stress as they try to maintain a balance between college applications, submission of Internal assessments and meeting the assessment expectations of each subject. In our session on Stress and time management , we will share strategies which will help your child to overcome stress and manage his time better.
Schedule for the IBDP CAMP- 28 October 2017
9.00 -- 9.15am - Refreshments
9.15 –- 10.15 am - Knowing the IB better( session 1)
Venue – Secondary ICT lab
10.15 – 10.30am - Snack break
Venue - (outside secondary ICT lab)
10.30- 11.30 am- Knowing the IB better ( session 2)
Venue- Secondary ICT lab
Academic honesty
Internal assessments
What is TOK
Assessment components
Sampler TOK essays
Sampler TOK presentations
11.30- 12.30 am - Your Role as an IB Parent
Discussions on strategies and ways by which you can involve yourself in your child’s Diploma journey.
12.30- 1.15 pm Lunch
1.15- 1.45 pm Library- second home to the Diploma parents
Venue – Library
1.45-2.45 pm - College Placements
2.45- 3.45 pm Stress and Time management
3.45- 4.00 pm- Snacks and tea