Tuesday 12 September 2017

Leadership camp

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
John C. Maxwell

D1 & D2 Students attended a Leadership camp from 1-3 September 2017 admist the beautiful hills of Yelagiri.
The purpose of the camp was to build leadership competencies of preservance, team spirit, collaboration and resilence amongst the students. Students had to stay in tents and got an opportunity to overcome their fears of height and facing failure.The camp encouraged the children to come out of their comfort zone and stretch themselves beyond their potential.
The journey from Bangalore to Yelagiri took  4-5 hours and though it was tiring, students get an opportunity to bond and made new friends .
Day 1 started with an orientation of the camp rules and regulations. Students were divided into groups of 4 and settled in their tents.After lunch each group had an activity which included a Discovery Course, Crossing an acid river, Leadership Course and Paint Ball.
The Discovery course challenged the teams to overcome their own fears of height. Students had to make their own  precise judgement on when to take the next step on the hanging ropes which were 100  feet above the ground to maintain a perfect balance.It was overwheling to see that except for a few students all the others challenged themselves and crossed level 5. Each child was competing amongst themselves and streched his or her boundaries to ensure that they were able to make to the top.
The Acid river challenge taught  the students to strategise, collaborate and plan in difficult circumstances to come out with flying colours. It was great to see  mathematicians making calculations, the Physicts applying the law of falcrum and lever to find ways of placing wooden logs to cross the river.We were extremely happy to see how students helped each other and were guiding their team to ensure that no one fell into the river and all crossed and reached safely to the other side.
Patience, preservance and team work were the lessons learnt .
The Leadership course was the one of its kind where the 2 competing teams had to cross obstacles like taking out a tyre from a deep ditch without touching it, crossing a muddy terrain fillled with water through a bridge made of two bamboos, climbing trees and rocks. The highlight of this activity was when students had to make a raft out of few bamboo sticks and plastic bottles to cross the water body.  It was quite a challenge but students worked in groups,    and created a raft that could take them across the water body.
 Creativity, innovation, team work, hard work and preservance were the lessons learnt.
Paint ball was a fun activity but indirectly students were learning how to be focussed and to use their resources effectively.
After a rigiours day of activities students on day 1 watched a leadership movie which was engrossing and had many take aways. On the second night students relaxed and danced around the bonfire after completing another set of exciting and challenging activities. . It was a perfect time for them to bond with their peers and share their experiences .
The Leadership camp reinforced the IB learner profile of being open-minded, risk-taker, principled, caring, thinkers and inquirers. We all came back knowing each other a bit more …. D1’s found role models in their seniors and the D2’s found new friends in the new joinees
Overall a memorable experience !

Manpreet kaur
DP Coordinator